Welcome to the Tuxedo Cat!

I’ve been Facebooking, tweeting, and generally sharing my love for vegan food and animal rights for awhile now. People are always asking more details about the food I make or how to become vegetarian or vegan. My hope one day is to open a vegan bed and breakfast. I’ve been honing my vegan baking and cooking skills for several years. I have been wanting to start a blog for awhile, but have been too busy/lazy/forgetful to do so. It wasn’t until I very recently became a tester for a new vegan cookbook by Kelly Peloza, author of The Vegan Cookie Connoisseur that I figured I should get my act together!

So welcome to my blog! I hope this helps you on your journey to fabulous vegan cooking and general awareness for the other sentient beings of this planet.

4 responses to “Welcome to the Tuxedo Cat!”

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere. I’m going to subscribe so I can follow you 🙂

    It may not work as it didn’t work for our photography page, but, Facebook has a “notes” importer where it should import the blog rss feed into Facebook as a note, so people who are your Facebook friends can easily follow your posts here. It worked great for a few months and then just stopped working. Maybe you’d have better luck than us!

  2. I’m following your blog too! I hope you do open a vegan B&B someday, I would love to come stay at it.