Vegan Treats
Being vegan can be a challenge for dessert lovers when traveling, at family functions, or birthday parties. It’s not very common that people are making cakes that happen to be vegan or that you can find vegan soft serve or doughnuts as easily as their non-vegan counterparts. However, once you step into the world of […]
Avocado Chimichurri Bruschetta
One of the many perks about being in the Natural Kitchen Cooking School was the healthy and delicious snacks the staff would have out for us to munch on in between doing food prep or listening to a nutrition lecture. We always had delicious herbal teas, some of my favorites being genmaicha (brown rice) tea […]
Green Bean Salad with Red Onion & Tomato
I’m always pleasantly surprised when I find mainstream chefs highlighting vegetables in their recipes, and particularly when their dishes are “accidentally” vegan. Some pre-vegans like to think they don’t eat vegan meals or sometimes scoff at the idea that there isn’t any meat or animal by-product in an entree, when in fact people eat “vegan” […]
Quinoa Tofu Stuffed Peppers & Corn Off the Cob Salad
One night in the not-too-distant past, I asked my husband to make dinner. He was on his own completely to make something using the ingredients in our refrigerator from our CSA that week. He came up with a menu of quinoa tofu stuffed peppers from the Savvy Vegetarian and this simple corn off the cob […]
White Bean, Spinach, & Sweet Potato Burrito
Wanting a quick, but tasty and healthy dinner one night, I decided to throw together some white beans, sauteed spinach, and sweet potato with some garnishes and sauces and came up with this creation. It was a wonderful combination and the cilantro, salsas, and sour cream helped to finish out the flavors. White Bean, Spinach, […]