Tag: veganmofo

  • Hummus, tomato, & basil pizza

    After hearing about an amazing hummus vegan pizza from a now defunct Canadian restaurant, I decided to try my hand at this hummus-style pizza. Instead of using vegan cheese or even red sauce, I slathered the base of a cornmeal store-bought crust, with homemade pesto. Then I generously spread store-bought hummus as my “cheese” over […]

  • Spaghetti & Tofu Balls

    I’ve owned the beloved cookbook Tofu Cookery by Louise Hagler since my beginning days of vegetarianism. While I’ve had the cookbook for years, I only recently made the tofu balls that so many PPKers, particularly Isa Chandra Moskowitz herself, raves about. I didn’t have regular peanut butter, so I used the chunky version I had […]

  • Baked Acorn Squash, Braised Greens, & Corn

    Nothing says fall like acorn squash! This has become our most beloved squash whether baked simply or stuffed with a hearty filling. Most of the ingredients for this autumn supper came from our CSA or the Ithaca Farmers Market. I also tried to replicate a dish from one of our favorite restaurants, Just a Taste. […]

  • Vegetarian Protagonists in Horror Movies

    After seeing a couple of horror movies that surprised me by featuring vegetarian protagonists, I was inspired to try to find more. Here is a brief list of what I came up with in my research. Feel free to add to the list in the comments section, as I’m sure I’ve missed some of them. […]

  • Kale Salad

    A simple and healthy salad that I’ve made numerous times is this kale salad recipe from Whole Foods. Any kale will do, but I find a strong preference for dino kale for this particular recipe. The key is to chop the kale finely and serve right away after mixing with the olive oil and lemon […]