I’ve had Ani’s Raw Food Desserts cookbook by Ani Phyo for awhile now and have made a handful of recipes from it. It was a pleasant surprise to see this book in our goodie bag for our April classes at the Natural Kitchen Cooking School. Armed with the task of picking one recipe from the book to make for homework was a challenge as there are so many delicious, fruity, raw desserts to choose from. I ultimately picked the Spiced Blueberry Cobbler (see Ani make it herself here!) based on the attractive picture in the book and because I had most of the ingredients to start (sans blueberries).
This was quite simple to make, but I think I overdid the processing of the almonds and dates as my version did not look as chunky and loose as the cobbler pieces in the book. If I made it again, I would be more careful regarding that detail. I would also use whole almonds that still had the skin perhaps, as my slivered almonds may have been too small. This dish makes for a nice dessert or quick breakfast.
Overall, we’d rate this dish as 3 out of 5 carrots on the veganlicious scale!