Avocado Chimichurri Bruschetta
One of the many perks about being in the Natural Kitchen Cooking School was the healthy and delicious snacks the staff would have out for us to munch on in between doing food prep or listening to a nutrition lecture. We always had delicious herbal teas, some of my favorites being genmaicha (brown rice) tea […]
To Natural Kitchen Cooking School, With Love
I am participating for the third year in Vegan MoFo, a month long vegan food extravaganza from vegan bloggers around the globe focusing on delicious food for the month of September! I was fortunate enough to recently graduate from the Natural Kitchen Cooking School, one of the few vegan chef culinary programs in the United […]
Summer Collard Wraps
For our “Kitchen Pharmacy” weekend at the Natural Kitchen Cooking School, we received The Balanced Plate by Renée Loux. This was a pleasant surprise as it is not a book I already owned, nor was I familiar with the author. The book focused on whole foods, macrobiotic living, and healthy living tips. I chose to […]
Blueberry Polenta Cake
When I took the first few bites of this dessert at the Natural Kitchen Cooking School, I wasn’t impressed. I’m used to much sweeter desserts and typically don’t consider something a dessert if it doesn’t have chocolate infused somewhere. The more I ate though, the more I started to enjoy this different take on polenta. […]
Zucchini Rice Cakes
One of my favorite recipes we made recently at the Natural Kitchen Cooking School were these fabulous zucchini rice cakes! Using a base of cooked brown rice and delicious seasonings and fresh parsley, these cakes were cooked on a cast iron skillet and came out to perfection with a crunchy outer coating. We topped them […]