As a collector of vegan cookbooks and a lover of beans, I was thrilled to get a copy of The Great Vegan Bean Cookbook by Kathy Hester. It is one of my newest favorites, easily. I was pleasantly surprised to see the many ways she incorporated beans into desserts and sweet dishes. As a lover of sweets and beans, what could be better?
There were many awesome recipes to choose from, but I decided to start with the Lemon Coconut Chickpea muffins, as I recently cooked a bunch of dried chickpeas and needed to make them in multiple dishes. The main ingredients that are included are mentioned in the title: lemon (juice, extract, and zest), coconut shreds, and chickpeas. What a wonderful way to get a little more protein and fiber into your muffin!
The recipe made 36 mini muffins. I sent Mr. Tuxedo Cat to work with two dozen and they were all eaten within an hour of him putting into his office’s kitchen by his ravenous co-workers. I also shared some muffins with a couple of my co-workers who were also delighted by them. The muffins were moist and not overly sweet (great for those who do not have a huge sweet tooth)! Success!

I highly recommend picking up a copy of Kathy Hester’s book because there are many tasty, healthy, and nutritious recipes. She also labels those that are gluten-free, soy-free, and/or oil-free (or can made be). There is something here for everyone.
Overall, we’d rate this recipe as 4 out of 5 carrots on the veganlicious scale!