Tag: vegenaise

  • Tempeh Mock Tuna

    Dead tuna fish sandwiches were always hit or miss with me back in my pre-vegan days. I have never tried to make a mock version of it either until we were assigned to do so in our Natural Kitchen Cooking School program. I was amazed that I enjoyed an adapted version of this recipe so […]

  • Spicy Tofu Turnovers

    I stumbled upon this Hellman’s recipe for Turkey Turnovers when a couple of my Facebook friends “liked” the Hellman’s page. Somehow it showed the link and picture of the turnovers and I knew in an instant that I must veganize this recipe! It was simple enough. I replaced the turkey with cubed extra-firm tofu. I […]

  • White Bean & Greens Burger with Homemade Fries

    For my vegan chef culinary program at Natural Kitchen Cooking School we get a bag of goodies every weekend that we have classes. In our most recent goodie bag, we received a copy of Nava Atlas’ latest book, Wild About Greens. I was overjoyed! I heard about this book, which focuses on how to use […]

  • Fried Green Tomatoes & Green Beans, Spicy Chickpea Casserole, & Corn

    After getting several green tomatoes and green beans from our CSA, I decided to go on a frying spree. Using this recipe from blogger Bianca Phillips from Vegan Crunk, featured on One Green Planet, I made some of the most amazing fried green tomatoes. Having grown up part of my childhood in the South and […]

  • Chipotle Tofu Sandwich

    Happy Vegan Month of Food! This is my second year participating in the world famous Vegan MoFo and I hope to keep up with my pace from last year (30 posts in 30 days), but am not sure with traveling and work that this will happen, but I’ll try my best! I wanted to start […]