Beyond Meat™ Chicken Fajitas
On a recent trip to Princeton, New Jersey, we went into the local Whole Foods because I heard that they carry the new Beyond Meat™ chicken strips. Low and behold, they were right in the food bar, where you could load up on as much as you’d like! If you haven’t been following the faux […]
White Bean & Greens Burger with Homemade Fries
For my vegan chef culinary program at Natural Kitchen Cooking School we get a bag of goodies every weekend that we have classes. In our most recent goodie bag, we received a copy of Nava Atlas’ latest book, Wild About Greens. I was overjoyed! I heard about this book, which focuses on how to use […]
Seitan Fajitas
I wanted a simple summer meal to throw on the grill, while incorporating some green veggies and citrus notes. What sprang up from what already existed in my kitchen were these wonderful seitan fajitas! The lime juice and marinade, along with the fresh cilantro gave this meal an extra kick. Seitan Fajitas 1 package of […]
BBQ Tofu, Grilled Kale, & Taboule Salad
The weather is really starting to warm up, so some pre-summer grilling was in order. Dinner encapsulated some old and new favorites: grilled BBQ tofu, grilled kale, and a taboule salad. The tofu was extra firm with just a light spraying of olive oil and a moderate sprinkling of Dinosaur BBQ Cajun Foreplay Spice […]
Grilled hot sauce glazed tofu, grilled kale, & wheat berry salad
Tonight’s dinner encapsulates some of my favorite things lately: hot sauce glazed tofu, kale, and wheat berries. I mixed it up a little from the usual way I prepare these dishes to give them a summer flare with the grilling (husband did all the grilling here as needed). Grilled Hot Sauce Glazed Tofu 1 block […]