My Top 6 Vegan-Friendly Cookbooks
In my quest for coming up with my “top 5” lists, I had a very difficult time paring it down to only 5 for cookbooks. I love cookbooks and find myself reading them like novels. Therefore, this list departs a little and there are 6 gems. This could have been much longer, but I wanted […]
Low-Carb Vegan Dinner
I love a cooking challenge, whether it’s gluten-free, no salt, no oil, raw, etc. Recently a good friend was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and was instructed by a nutritionist to limit her carbohydrate intake to 30 grams or less per meal. If you have ever researched how much carbohydrates are in your daily foods, you’d […]
Perfect Pancakes & Swiss Chard Frittata
The last two weekends we’ve had awesome vegan activist friends visiting us from out of town. One of my friends, Victor Sjodin, who works for Vegan Outreach, just got his website up where you can purchase UnFuck the World: Go Vegan t-shirts! Check it out. To fill their bellies and satisfy their palates, I wanted […]